I'm going to Hadyai this Saturday - it's a company trip thingy but the company is only paying RM 75! (What the f**k?) and I had to fork out RM300 for the renewal of my passport (dead since beginning of the month) when the initial plan was to go to Langkawi! Damn...
This better be a good one coz .. I'm the only one who had to renew passport!!!!! And NO, I ain't gonna stay 3 girls to a room coz I want 2 to a room to have a good night's sleep there. One thing I'm looking forward to though, is the Thai Girl Show (a.k.a. Tiger Show, dubbed 18SX in our trip's agenda LOL).. Let's see.. I gotta get some bak hoo tiao's for Dorene, some Black Golden Mangoes (that's what my mom told me) coz it's the mango season now; something for my dear honey and his family; and see what I manage to get for myself :)
Another trip which I'm REALLY looking forward to is just 2 days apart from Hadyai's return - my trip to Genting with my dear honey... It's been appx. 1 year since we've had a break and really need one badly - his working environment is demotivating him and mine.... let's just say I purely, SO in need of a break - from all the evil users and some people who's constantly pissing me off.
Had a good turnaround with my boss 2 days ago - but the challenges are getting higher - I'm slowly getting the hang of 'managing' him - as in playing for what he's interested in and the qualities he looks for in his staff. Managed to capture some hints here and there as in what he'd like me to approach and go into so as to be able to 'be seen' and 'be heard' as well as 'standing out', and for the sake of preventing me to forget, I'm just gonna list it down here so I can refer back if I happen to forget :-
1. show him I have good presentation skills;
2. show him I'm able to scan, observe and come up with better matrix training framework other than the 2 being implemented;
3. take up the challenge of preparing a flow diagram of all the components in SAP's different pipes - but a surprise is underway coz I'm going to 'innovate' it into a flow diagram that relates more at a team level, i.e. how the applications we support inter-connect with one another;
4. refer back the DISC I've done previously to improve on character building - improve on low score areas with aim to pull it up hence achieving the optimisation effect.
For those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about - no worries coz I was merely talking to myself; for those who understood - cool! Probably you can give me a hand there :)
A colleague is definitely pissing me off currently - always late to work - don't bother to call and all of us need to cover her in one way or another; don't particularly like the way she talks - always in a 'tho kong' (blunt) kinda tone most of the time; and the thing that pisses me off the most is, she can agree with what we told her today and totally say the opposite the day after - that really made me so upset that I didn't wanna touch the issue that I was following up on right after she said that.
Great changes so far and I just can't wait for the Genting trip to arrive - it's gonna be a good one - coz I've got the only company that I truly need - YOU, my dear.
SMM, this one's for you - not sure if you miss Gurney Drive or not but here's a picture I took on a bright sunny afternoon:-