Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Going-ons in my life lately

Some of the interesting tin can caps I stumbled upon lately in my collection... L-R : Nes = Nescafe; Red Bull; Milo

The windmill Kel gave me as my birthday pressie has finally been assembled... wheee~! *huggies*

Very chu bi Tiger beer keychain my dad has!

Some sort of fruit my dad bought which he thought were oranges... damn sour and bitter *yucks*

Durians glorious durians~~~

What is sold at our cafeteria during tea time...burgers made on-the-spot; now is that encouraging tea time or what?

cute sheepie spotted at Q Bean - a new soya bean outlet @ QBM...

.... which also sells very nice Soya Bean ice cream! Yummiiieeeeee!!

Looking forward to cook Spaghetti for honey hehe......

Thanks mommy M for getting me my faithful Estee Lauder at $44 @ LAX!

DC and my drawing scribbles @ Kopi Cine recently...