Thursday, June 23, 2005

The GM interview of the year

Just had the toughest interview of my life so far. All nerve-wrecked prior to my arrival at the place, greeted by a friendly 'escorter' who happens to be one of my interviewer.

First I had to undergo a test which has 3 parts, 2 of which uses the computer and 1 of which is objective-based. The guy then proceeded to ask me 4 questions, afterwhich 3 interviewers (including the friendly guy) run through a language test as well as a so-called 'behavioural' Q & A session. All in all I think everything went on for about an hour or so but all the guys were alright except for one of the chinese guy whom i think was quite arrogant. The thing i remembered vividly was when he asked me about my future career path and I just said that i aim to advance slowly in becoming a manager, something between the lines, and he let out a sneered laugh and said 'that only happens if you're in Hong Kong DisneyLand'. My expression changed right there as I took it as a cynical remark and he continued to clarify that he was just joking. I believed the former but not the latter anyway. All in all, I think I didn't do too well in the tests but the interview went better than the tests, though I know I could've done better.

Anyhow, I told myself if I don't get this it's ok.. it just means I'm not good enough for the job and no reason to despair. I'll be disappointed but life goes on. I'm just glad to see my boyfren after the long interview process and that made such a huge difference. No matter what I know I'll still have him and he's always giving me full support in whatever I do.

So i'll see how it goes, i'm just hoping for the best.

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