The plan was to wait for the bridegroom to come over to invite the bride at 8am this morning so we all had to wake up early to shield the bride from them and play games on the bridegroom and his pals! My room mate Mun woke up as early as 5:45am as she's the bridesmaid... and boy was I glad to have her wake up before me coz she couldn't finish with her make up and stuff by 8am still :S hahahha...
Here's some of the girls making last minute preps on their hairs - girls will always be girls right:-

At first we decided to have breakfast downstairs but was told by the girls who went and checked out the buffet that it costs RM 12 per pax and they only offered limited choices.. so we forego that and went empty stomach coz we had to get ready guarding in the front of the bride's room :)
Check out the flower thingy we all had on us signifying that we are the Ji Mui group? It's so sweet the flower:-

This is the pretty bride Uee:-

and her beautifully prepped hands:-

So Ling, SL and YTeng got ready the necessary stuff to play the games and when the bridegroom et al finally reached, we kicked off the games!
Game #1
3 guys pumping (including bridegroom) with a guy sitting on their backs respectively, while a peeled banana sits on a plate on the floor for them to eat. The bridegroom is exempted from another guy sitting on his back as a 'privilege' for him (actually we didn't want him to oversweat later on, how kind of us!)
In the end, the sporting 'heng tai' (best pals) team finished all the pumping and the 2 bananas.. good job!
Game #2
This game involves 2 hard boiled eggs (we can't get the eggs to full boil so they ended up being half-boiled eggs, hehe) where the best man must insert the egg into one of the bridegroom's trouser opening at the bottom, slowly navigate the egg up til his 'groin' area, then slowly roll it down the other side of the trouser until exit. This was the funniest game of all as everybody kept on laughing and laughing all the way. And that's not all, the psychotic SL brought the game up another notch by asking 2 of his pals to each navigate an egg up both sides of another pal's trousers and slip them out from the other side.... Whooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa........ this time we let them choose who's gonna be the 'victim' for this gag.. and they quickly dragged the guy who has the most loose pants! wahahahahahah.... anyway they had a teeeneee bit of difficulty going through the sensitive groin area having 2 eggs in a go, and one of the guys were commenting that they're having 4 balls in a go ok! Be careful! We were almost laughing our heads off!!! Having completed the feat, SL proceeded to ask them break both the half boiled eggs to gulp them down.... and they did just that, with one of the eater saying he swore he tasted something weird in the eggs... wahahahahhahahha!!!!!
Game #3
This is a just question and answer game to test the bridegroom on the bride and details of their romance journey and for each question wrongly answered, we will apply lipstick on the best man and he will need to kiss any one of the rest of the pals; and all the accumulated kisses will be the number of kisses that the bridegroom will need to kiss his bride later on.... of 10 questions, he managed to anwer 7 correctly, bravo!!! *clap clap clap* When I was applying lipstick to the best man, the rest of the gang asked him to kiss me instead and I said no!!! and quickly escaped... *whew* that's close....
So after all the games the bridegroom went in to meet the bride, and they proceeded withthe tea drinking ceremony for the relatives of the bride's side.... We were pretty much idle for a while and someone started to snap a picture of our pretty feet with beautiful shoes :) guess which one's mine?

We had to take a memorable picture with the newly weds before leaving right?

Afterwhich all of us were 'supposedly' going to head off to the bridegroom's house for another tea drinking session, but because the guys drove quite a number of cars so of some of us girls got split up into their respective cars for the journey and were driven to Nilai Springs Golf and Country Club for a round of photo taking instead - since they claim we still got plenty of time to spare.
Here's the place:-

Nice view they've got there indeed:-

The newly weds posing for all the cameras :)

Afterwhich we finally reached the bridegroom's house - there're plenty of fire crackers being lit up - check it out!

The newly weds alighting from their vehicle:-

Getting their pictures taken:-

After the tea drinking session at the bridegroom's house, some picture taking sessions with the newly weds; and a couple of rounds of Chor Tai Tee (Big 2) game and sweating, we were then invited to a nice lunch by the bridegroom's dad at a famous restaurant.
We reached the restaurant and were greeted by the famous dishes at the restaurant...

Their tanks displayed at the entrance:-

Lunch was served shortly after we were seated...
First up was a dish that has got to be one of the best dishes I had for a long, long time... it's called 'Dong Por Youk' (Cantonese for a famous pork dish) that you eat with 'Man Thao' (Cantonese for a type of soft pao) - it's soooooooooooooooooooo sinfully good..... yummmmmmmyyyyy! The man thaos were so soft and bouncy all at the same time as well!

We had a muschroom dish with Foo Chouk (Cantonese : dried beancurd strips) as well....

And 2 vegetable dishes:-
Special ladies finger fried with chilli (it's special coz the gravy is kinda sticky but it's tasty!)

This is one of my favourite veggie which the name I forgot :)

This, my friend, is also one of the best claypot chicken I had for a long time.. they marinated it so well!!!

Oh, and we were served with invidual bowls of seaweed soup with fishballs as well, but I didn't take any pics on that (too busy enjoying the array of yummy food)
What chinese meal will be complete without a nicely steamed fish?

U got fish, naturally you'll get prawns as well... great prawns they were.... big and yummy...

I was telling some of my gal pals on how I can actually consume the prawns without having to tediously use my chopsticks to peel off the shells first; I just had to take off the head and tails; bite half of the body into my mouth and process it, then spit out the shells; repeat the step with the other half of the body; and I'm done! Saves all the hassle of wasting time using chopsticks to peel the shells off - which the process gets very frustrating btw...
Wet napkin after a satisfying meal...

I overheard uncle Ee telling Uee that the meal only costs Rm 180 per table!!! I can't believe it!!! RM 180 for 10??? RM 18 per person for THAT meal? That's gotta be the cheapest and nicest meal I had for decades!! I told myself that I must come back here one day
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After the satisfying meal and thanking uncle; we headed back to the hotel for some much needed sleep catch up. Before I went back to my room - I lazed around at Ling's room and took a picture of her HUGE comb, how crazy is that?

I signed out and crawled into the bed with the lights still on and glaring at me as Mun needed to prepare herself to be the bridesmaid for the night - before I crashed into the bed I saw her busy taking shower then styling her hair for the night later but when I woke up I saw her hair back to its normal state - she said it didn't work out so she's just gonna wear it simple and proceeded to apply make up :S
After we were all pretty much done with our respective make ups; I requested Mun to have a go at my hair and she worked this out:-

I liked it coz it's young-looking and all :)
So the night came and we headed off to the restaurant, it was drizzling a bit that time but we were awed by the size of the restaurant - it's just like a huge castle, and the car park is just as big!

This is the entrance:-

The chandelliers:-

We sat down at our table and noticed that Uee and her hubby's pics were on the table as well - how sweet! The chinese characters were their respective surnames - Ee for the top one (her hubby's) and Khoo for the bottom one (Uee's)

Not long after we saw an All-Too-Familiar pic of us during Form 5 which suddenly came up on the big projector right in front of us! It was soooo freaking embarassing and all of us girls went like 'Waaaaaahhhh....!!!' and couldn't believe how young we were; and how silly our picture was back then haha! We were hoping nobody spotted the resemblence between the pic and us! :S but it was a memorable moment for all of us coz most of us were in the pic.....

So this is the menu of dishes for the night - we're gonna have 8 dishes but I didn't manage to take pictures coz we were all pretty much starving by then and ate like barbarians! hahahaha..... Nah..... the starving part was true but the barbarian part's not, obviously! Coz we were all dressed to kill with pretty make up and all ;)

Some of the girls were commenting that the food was not as tasty as the ones we had in the afternoon, but given the fact that they were serving 113 tables in a row, I'd say it's pretty decent quality we're getting :) One thing to note is, we had the best dessert ever!!! It's a coconut pudding thingy served in a real coconut... It was soooo smooth and fine, chilled and all that all of us couldn't get enough of it!!
We had entertainment in a form of a dancing troop specially hired from Penang : they had a couple of different outfits as well:-

Next came the toast session from the newly weds, can't believe our eyes when we saw how the newly weds were slowly escalated from below, within the stage up to the surface... it's so wrong to have a seafood restaurant in a castle-like structure with a stage that's equipped with an elevator like that!

All in all, it was a great dinner.... unfortunately, it was a bit spoilt by the repeated occurrences of electricity stoppage issues, bringing the entire restaurant to a total darkness............
Oh.... and a guy was hitting on me during the dinner as well - and he was not bad looking himself :) he took a picture of me with his mobile after asking for my permission; and kept on saying I looked like a Hong Kong star *blushing* he then told me a friend of his would like to know me as well and just like in a cartoon, he excused himself and dashed off, returned within split second with another guy - this one having his longer than usual hair tied in a pony tail, introducing himself as Kenzo... who handed me his name card as well - ahhh.. a fashion designer he is, that explains his pony-tail look. I politely gave him my card as well and the first guy named Kao Wei said how come he didn't get a card? And so I gave him one as well. Kao Wei carried on asking me how old I am, do I wanna hang out with them after the dinner and so on, but I rejected the invitation.. He even asked if he could call me up when he goes to Penang and will I be his tour guide... hahahhha...
Aha! Finally I found a tiny picture of Kao Wei.. (this is for u Datuk K ;) actually he took this pic with 3 of us but I omitted the rest and cut him out:-

Not bad looking la huh? :P
# Later that night... #
It was about 1230am... Kao Wei called my mobile! Asked if I wanted to hang out with them... and I said we're pretty much tired... he then asked if he could ask me out for yam cha the next morning, and I replied him that I'm not sure what time we'll wake up tomorrow ;) He commented that I was rejecting him on full blast :D but after a while he had no choice but to hang up.... haha!
Day 3 - Time to return
Mun's freaking loud mobile suddenly rang early in the morning and it was Uee inviting us for yam cha breakfast courtesy of the bridegroom's dad once again - and so we dragged all our lazy asses off our warm beds, showered and headed out to the yam cha place. The Dim Sums were hearty and tasty! We loved the egg tarts the most - it's so smooth and the pastries on the sides melted in our mouths... We splitted into 2 joined tables and this is what we had on each table:-

This is the bill:-

After a final round of bidding good byes to Uee and her hubby; as well as thanking everyone especially uncle Ee for taking such a good care of all of us, we finally departed from Nilai after packing our bags up the the hotel...
We were greeted by "Jumpa Lagi!" at the highway exit from Nilai.....

And stopped by at Sungai Buloh where AC picked up a cotton candy from one of the convenient store and ate in the car:-

Afterwhich we stopped for KFC along the way for lunch...
where I had the Zinger Maxx set that came with the Cheesy Wedges:-

Zinger Maxx is undeniably good as KFC claims it to be; as it's spicy and crunchy, though the burgers were a bit on the hard side, as commented by GS - this is what KFC burgers cannot compare to McD's
While Ling had Nuggets (that's silly Ling letting me take a close up shot on the nugget she was having);

and GS had the 2 piece snack plate set (that's him waiting patiently for me to finish taking pics):-

Uee's youngest brother who rode with us on the way back to Penang settled for the fish burger thingy with SL and BL since they had vouchers:-

And Mun being calorie conscious ordered the Meltz (which didn't taste good IMHO):-

After KFC we headed for Baskin Robbins some more! Goodness... I treated myself to a single scoop ice cream cone as well..... just couldn't resist the temptation!!!
By the time I got home I was pretty much worned out to the max! Looking forward to ZZzzZzzzzz.... It was a tiring trip... but an enjoyable and happy one indeed! It's been a loooooooooooooong time since all of us girls had a good time together like that :D
your leg is the left most one, and the shoe u are wearing is triple silver strips at front, and behind another few more strips (I think so kut, cause not so visible liao ma)....and great picture with the lovely flower bracelet.
hey siew moi moi! how r u??? Long time I haven't heard from you... missed u so much! :( when r u coming back??
btw, hate to break this to you but my shoe is the one in the middle - odd one out compared to the rest - with polka dots and diamond in the middle :)
u've got mail...
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