I'd like to share some of the nice meals I had at home so far... some cooked by my mom, some take-aways from coffee shops and some I cooked myself :)
During December there will be a day where Chinese celebrates a festivity called "Dong Zhi" (Mandarin for the end of Winter season). It indicates that we are at the end of the lunar year in terms of end of Winter season (referencing China of course). It's a time to celebrate that we have safely endured another year and looking forward to a better season and new year ahead of us.
For this, we must eat sweet dumplings and I still love it even to this date, eventhough it has become more of a yearly routine than something normally only kids get excited about.
Due to the amount of work involved preparing the dumplings, in which I normally help out in shaping the dumplings out, we decide to buy these from the markets instead, as my grandma is getting older and my mom can only make it back the night before the actual festive date and unable to help out..
So here's a feast we get to enjoy! All prepared by my dear mom...
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Sometimes, I cook myself noodles and I just loooooove this Korean noodle Shim Ramyun, I picked this up while studying in Brisbane last time where my Korean friend introduced me to this super spicy noodle and I couldn't have enough of it since then!
A guide to cooking Shin Ramyun (From left to right and top to bottom):-
1. Recognise the packet so you can get one of these yourself next time you go shopping (read : Korean shops if you're overseas)2. Heat up your wok or whatever you decide to cook this in
3. Open up the packet - you should be seeing one chunk of noodle; 1 packet of chilli powders and 1 packet of dried vegetables (made up of spring onions, carrots, mushrooms, etc)
4. The left one's the chilli powder while the right one's the dried veggies
5. Cook your noodle and while it's getting soft...
6. Pour in the chilli powders,
7. then the dried vegetables..
8. Cook till your noodle gets soft enough for your tastebuds and serve onto a big, nice-looking bowl
9. Enjoy! coz this is damn good stuff I tell ya
Good till the last drop for me :)
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Next allow me to introduce one of my favourite Fried Hor Funs (Broad flat rice noodles)... my dad used to take away this when he has his breakfast at the coffee shop as I normally sleep in during my off days...
Good Cha Hor Fun (in Hokken) coz it's got huge and fresh prawns, veggies, fish, chicken, and fish cakes. And most importantly............! The sambal that comes with it is just.. simply...... irresistable! Hot, nice and spicy! Yummm.....