Sunday, September 11, 2005

First time first hand smoke experience

I smoked for the first time of my life so far. It all seems too unbelievable, I never imagined I would smoke ever.

Guess I just have a bad girl living inside me waiting to spring out or something, last night me and my bf joined his pals to a night's out at Mambo (2 outlets beside Starbuck's at Gurney Hotel) and it was all a night of hard liquor plus 2 side servings of beer. Anyway, my bf's pals started to offer him cigarrattes so he took them (he's a non-smoker and only smokes like once or a twice a year, cumulatively with or without me by his side), he only smokes when he hangs out at pub or karaoke, so I saw he smoked 2 of them and by the second one I asked to have a "taste" of it and he offered it to me, I just inhaled a bit and then out - nothing to it. And then the final 3rd one, he actually refused to take it but one of his pals kept on shoving the thing to his mouth and lighting it for him so he took it again, and again I asked for another puff, this one I took a deeper inhale and when I huffed it out I can finally see the smoke coming out of my mouth :)

Anyhow, eventhough I didn't finish a whole cigarrette to myself, I still don't really feel a big of a deal in smoking, as in why so many people are so obsessed with it, getting addicted to it and all, coz to me I don't feel any difference in the effects after I smoke, coz I felt the same so i asked my bf what's the big deal in smoking anyway? Do you feel calmer after a smoke? Do you feel happier? Do you feel better? (As in the context of drinking liquor where it makes you high and forget your sorrows, and tearing down your mental barrier and all) And he said 'No ar... ' so I asked him "So is it just the looks of you smoking that you think might 'appeal' to girls or make you come across as 'cool' to others?" and he answered me in Cantonese "Yeah.. you're right, it makes me look 'Hou Lan L Yeng' (which translates more or less to 'super cool' with the help of a foul word to amplify the effect of 'cool'-ness)

And so I went off to observe my bf while he smokes, how he holds the cigarrette, how he inhales and exhales it out, and indeed he looked different from usual and I thought to myself : Hmm.... how sexy.... (seriously) but I can accept the fact that he's just a very casual smoker, and even I saw for myself how sexy he is doing that, I still can't accept it if he ends up being an addicted smoker, coz I simply do not like people smoking around me - Period. (Exclusions are pubs, etc where you can't control people smoking around you)

Anyhow, the after effect of MY 2 short inhales of smoke made me suffer the below symptoms:-

1. Drier than usual throat
2. Which lead to more coughs afterwards
3. Repeat 1 and 2 the next day
4. Mentally feeling my lungs cursing at me for trying the excitement of smoking

Well, all in all, smoking does make you look cool but I still do not want it stuck to me for the most of my life, and surely the same applies to the people I love, coz the cons definitely outweighed the pros (or should I say PRO - singular) A LOT

To all the smokers out there - don't be tempted - puffing occassionally if you really must, or if you really feel like it - is still ok; but don't ruin your life by letting it run your life.


Anonymous said...

i second your opinion. :)

Anonymous said...

A few cigarettes a day 'deadly'