Monday, September 05, 2005


Very blue.

I shouldn't have done that. I know I shouldn't, but I really can't help it. Anybody at all, pls save me from becoming such an evil person.

I am stingy. N I am calculative. But that's all survival skills. I truly believe that there are times that we should be stingy and calculative and that there are many more times that we should not.

Giving money to beggars who are fully capable of getting a job, any job = NO

"Lending" money to so-called friends who only contacts you when they are short of cash = rightfully-so-not-gonna-happen (though I was still ripped of 80 bucks by a cheap bastard)

Spending (not necessarily money) on people I love and who loves me back = worthwhile

Giving selflessly to my parents who have way surpassed giving me selflessly = MUST (and what I feel happy and proud of the most, though the contribution is so minor)

Feeling like such a selfish bitch for finding fault with my bf like that just now.

I'm so sorry.

We have such different principles and values. I really don't know how to achieve a balance. I know I should just give up - not on the relationship but on trying to make sense into him. Either he does not, and will never understand; and so I will forever continue to expect; or he just does not know how to take baby steps at a time. I doubt that he will ever understand that, eventually, things will change, but only if you are willing to make the changes.

I so believe in "A little effort goes a long way". The little changes and baby steps you take now will, in time, become huge and when the time comes, everything will become crystal clear that you have at least achieved something out of it, albeit small to others, but it will be so significant to you - the one who knew how hard it took for you to get there.

The last thing I want to do is make him feel pressured and that he is not worth for me.

The worst feeling of all is, I think I have done just that.

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I hope my wallpaper can make me feel calm enough to realise that life is still worth carrying on.


Anonymous said...

you CANNOT change a person....period.
"a little effort goes a long way" is a proverb that only goes for things, like a piece of artwork or something...not in changing somebody's outlook in life or attitude....
sorry for smacking this right in your face, but I've made the experience that you cannot change a person, no matter how much you love that person. U just have to accept that person for who he/she is. if you cannot tolerate that person, walk out and leave. no changing. Learn that, and then life would be much more meaningful.

jadephoenix said...

what i meant with "a little effort goes a long way" is what we do for example if we wanted to buy something very expensive, of course we can't do it right on the spot. But if we don't even try to save up bit by bit of money, then we will never be able to achieve it, right? simple as that.

I have definitely come to realise that nobody cannot change anybody, and i'm not upset that i can't change others. I'm just disappointed that people do not take the effort to do something for themselves and for the ones they love.

Anonymous said...

if you're.....
just disappointed that people do not take the effort to do something for themselves and for the ones they love.
have you thought about yourself? have you taken the effort to do something for yourself lately and for the ones that you loved?

jadephoenix said...

definitely, I have - for the ones i love and for myself.

Anonymous said...


psst....then don't feel blue.