Tuesday, February 27, 2007

JoJo the Shitzu dog

My brother and his newly weded wife brought back their 5-month old shitzu dog named JoJo for the Chinese New Year.. and she was so cute! I used to 'own' a shitzu dog which I never get to even see until this date.. Back in year 2002 my bf bought a shitzu dog around Aug/Sept which he claimed looked super cute, and its colours are very rare and very nice... he bought it for like RM1k+ and had all the good intentions of keeping the dog til I come back from Australia around November 2002... He even named the dog Shiro... Sounds all so good huh?


After just a week or two, since Shiro was still so young and needed attention and love all the time, and barked every night as he kept the dog downstairs at night when they go to bed, causing him and his whole family sleepless nights.. in the end he decided to sell Shiro off to a girl who's still schooling, less than the price he bought the dog for :( Until now, I haven't gotten any chance to even visit Shiro at all, and never got to know how cute Shiro is.... Sob! Sob!

OK....Back to JoJo..... JoJo is quiet, obedient but playful at the same... we only heard her bark twice on separate occassions, she's just a gem to have around during CNY..
This shot was taken by JoJo's parents at their home..

JoJo waiting anxiously for my brother to feed her with mini mandarin orange slices..
This is her after realising that I have a cute toy that makes sounds and jumps onto the edge of my bed! (Jojo is a sucker for sound-making toys)
Jojo getting tired and sleepy after running around non-stop for half of the day!Isn't this cute? Jojo freaking tired and sleeps by the side of the sofa where her parents are watching TV.. and my brother puts a cushion for her to hug on...Sleep tight JoJo.... we're gonna miss you.....

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