Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sushi from Jusco

My bf bought me a nice set of sushis while we were out during my break at Jusco... how sweet of him... he just came over to my side out of nowhere when I was busy selecting the individual sushis and said 'nah! this one looks yummy and value for money too! i'll buy this one for you'It's called Nakajima Sushi set and they have this cute Chinese New Year sticker thingy on the top of the container as well.. The set comes with a packet of Japanese soy sauce and a little packet of wasabi as well..

I had it in the office as the chicken rice we had at the Jusco food court sucked (big time) and I had to find other alternatives for my dinner..The wasabi was not as powdery and solid like those we are familiar with at Sushi King, it's like a paste texture... boy did I totally underestimate it! It's really spicy as in clearing up your nostrils type of spicy! Cool! I had my colleague give one a try and she agreed that this wasabi is indeed 'the real deal'! Only a tiny portion with your sushi.... and you do FEEL its existence... I gotta get my hands on more of these sushis!

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